
Showing posts from December, 2022

Logibrisk Privacy Policy

  Put simply, we don’t collect or store any of the information you enter on our app in any external database or server. We don’t have one. The information we gather is stored locally on your phone and only you or whoever has permission to use your phone has access to it. None of this information is also shared or sold to any third parties, as it is impossible for it to be accessed by said parties for the same reason listed above - it is not collected. The app will use your phone’s location service (GPS), WI-FI, data or cell tower information to retrieve your current location. Your location will be used to decide when you enter or leave any given marker, while the app is running or in the background. A background location service will ensure the app keeps receiving location updates. A few permissions must be given in order for the app to work as intended, such as, but not limited to, Do Not Disturb access to independently change sound mode, SMS to automatically send messages, Contact fo